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 A man using a wheelchair availing assistance with transport under the NDIS

Do you ever stop and think about transport in the everyday life of someone with a disability? For most of us, getting from A to B is the simplest thing that makes independence, freedom, and belonging a reality.  

For people with disability Assistance with Transport under the NDIS is one very important support that can make a huge difference in their daily lives. But how does this work? What should you know if you want to include such support in your NDIS plan? 

Let’s break it down and explore how Assistance with Transport can provide a smoother journey for NDIS participants. 

What is Assistance with Transport? 

In simple terms, Support with Transport under the NDIS enables someone who needs assistance to get from one place to another. This may be for medical appointments, going to work, social activities, or simply going out into the fresh air. Such transport support will allow participants to access opportunities that may otherwise have barriers. 

The NDIS takes into consideration how transport can indeed be a formidable barrier for the majority, in particular, especially those with physical mobility impairments or those with conditions where it becomes inconvenient to use public transport and drive. The reason why Transport Support becomes part of the importance of service delivered under the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s framework is based on the ground that direct funding for participants’ transport-related costs related to the inherent needs arising because of disability, promotes autonomy. 

Understanding assistance with transport through NDISWho can use Transport Support? 

Assistance with Transport is available to participants who are eligible under the NDIS. It typically supports those individuals with a disability who require assistance with transport because of their disability and cannot safely or access public transport independently. 

The key eligibility criteria are: 

A disability-related transport need: This occurs due to the nature of your disability including the physical, intellectual, or sensory impairment that can prevent or significantly limit you from carrying out general transport. 

Link between transport to NDIS goals: Support towards transport is associated with the NDIS plan given towards your goals. You could link up, for example, going to the doctor’s visitation or social and recreational activities or jobs. 

Disability enabling you to travel independently: If traveling independently impacts you, then disability enables you to get transport assistance so that you can do something that someone else would take for granted. 

Always make sure that in your transportation needs, the discussion with the NDIS planner is clear enough that you would get the support closest to your aims. 

What does support in Transport include? 

Under the NDIS, Assistance with Transport is a flexible support meaning that it can be tailored to meet the needs of each participant. It may encompass a wide variety of transport-related services, which include: 

Taxi and other private transport services: If you cannot use public transport, the NDIS will cover taxi fares, rideshare, or any other private vehicles for you to access any kind of appointments or events. 

Public transport fares: They could be reimbursed through public transport fares if there is a disability-related reason for their inability to make use of any other transport. 

Driver assistance: A few will require driver’s assistance to get into and out of cars or be driven to the location they prefer. This proves useful for persons with a physical disability or who are not in a position to be able to handle the operation of the car. 

Travel to and from appointments: They may include appointments to seek medical checkups, and therapy, or to access other services that can ensure the participant’s health and well-being. 

It should also be pointed out that NDIS does not typically provide funding for transport for non-disability-related activities like holidays or leisure unless there is direct relevance to the participant’s disability and support needs. 

How To Get Assistance with Transport 

Accessing Transport Assistance first requires initiating the NDIS planning process. As an existing participant, you will be able to ask for this at the meeting time with your planner. A new NDIS participant will undergo an assessment as the first step and then work towards determining their appropriate level of support. 

The NDIS plan will show how much funding you have available for transport services, and your planner will be able to help you know how best to use that. This could include: 

After identifying your transport needs, you can then start spending money organising transport services tailored to your needs. As discussed above, you are required to always maintain a record of your expenditure on transport, since the NDIS might demand to see the receipt and any form of proof as proof of your use of service. 

Maximising Your Transport Support 

Like any NDIS funding, one should spend the Assistance with Transport funds wisely to maximise benefit from it. Here are a few tips on how to get the most from your support: 

Plan: Schedule transport in advance where possible to avoid last-minute cancellations or booking issues. 

Consult a service provider: Some NDIS service providers mainly specialise in transport services. Working with a trusted service provider who understands your needs may make the whole process run quite smoothly. 

Keep your receipts and records: Be it a taxi service or public transport, make sure you always have receipts or other records of the costs incurred during transport. It will help ensure that you’re staying within budget and have enough documentation to request reimbursement. 

Combine services: If you’re able to, combining transport with other NDIS-funded services, such as personal care or therapeutic support, can help reduce overall costs while still ensuring your needs are met. 


Transportation is more than getting from point A to point B. It’s more about enabling people to participate in life in greater ways. Whether it is a visit to the doctor, a community event, or going to work, Assistance with Transport under the NDIS is a lifeline for those who need it most. It breaks down the barriers of mobility challenges, creates new opportunities and promotes a lifestyle that is much more inclusive. 

MyCare Community Support Services will be your best bet for dependable support regarding transport or any other form of NDIS service. Individualised support matters and it matters to each client; we do everything within our reach to ensure you get the quality of support you need to lead an independent, full life. 

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